Jason Silver | Lead Pastor
Jason has been in full-time pastorate ministry for over 25 years. He has a heart to see people live out their full potential in Christ, and become those who live out Heaven on Earth. He loves preaching and teaching the Word of God in a practical "here's how to walk it out" manner, and in demonstration of the Spirit and power! Jason places a high regard on genuinely loving people and extending to one another the same grace that Christ showed us on the Cross.
Bethany Roberts | Kid's Church Director
Bethany absolutely loves working with children. Growing up as a Church Planters kid, she has years of experience helping, starting, and leading kids ministry programs. She likes to have a good time with the kids and has a passion to see them come to know Jesus and His Word more!
Stephanie & Jonzoon Manalo | Worship Ministry Director & Deacon
Stephanie has an incredible heart after God. She is faithful to lead worship and her team with integrity, and sincerity of heart.
Jonzoon has an incredible servant heart and directs our Sunday morning hospitality ministry. You'll often see his smiling face serving someone in some way on Sunday Morning.
Becky Ibrahim & Adam Fyfe
New Victory Youth Ministry Team
Becky has a heart to see this generation of youth on fire for Jesus and His Word.
Adam has a tenacious energy and drive to serve the youth of our Church with a passion for Jesus and His kingdom.
NVC Youth currently meets once a month.