Real God | Real people | REAL LIFE TOGETHER

Thanks for checking out New Victory Church where love is our highest goal. Therefore we purpose to create an atmosphere where people can meet with a real and loving God. So no matter where you are at in your life journey, or what you believe, you are invited to come and experience Jesus for who He truly is.

We are excited for the opportunity to meet and get to know you. Visiting a new church can be intimidating to say the least. If there is anything we can do to assist you in coming to Church, please do not hesitate to call us at 403.670.9199 or email

Service starts at 10:30am Sunday mornings.


1). What about my family? Good question... New Victory Church is a place for the whole family, Sunday school for kids ages 4-11 years old, and a youth group for teenagers from 11-18.

2). Do I have to dress up? NO. Clothes in general are a good thing. Otherwise, you are encouraged to come as you are.

3). What should I expect? You can a warm welcome once inside. And then an invitation to either grab a free coffee from our cafe, or head right into the service and pick a seat and space to worship with us.

At 10:30am our band starts with a few contemporary songs.  At about 10:50am we dismiss the kids to go to Kids Church. The service ends usually around 12:00pm. We value community and time together, so you are invited to stick around and grab a another coffee and get to know people in the cafe after the service. 

We hope that answers some questions.
If there are any more please do not hesitate to call or email.

We look forward to the opportunity of meeting you and getting to know you more.

LOCATION:   Victory Village Retreat Center  |  10623 West Valley Road SW Calgary, Alberta, Canada